Power & Energy

With its specialized equipment and experienced heavy lift rigging team, Mainline has moved and rigged more transformers than any other haulier in the region including moving the heaviest ever Transformer of 163 Ton moved in Tanzania to Arusha. The range of projects it has transported for extends to windfarm, hydro dam construction and transmission lines.

We handle logistics and cargo transportation with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We focus on ensuring our clients get First-Class transportation services that we have to offer.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime you need our services.

Plot 91/92 Mbagala Industrial Area,
P. O. Box 42804,

Tel: +255 732 992 463 | +255 733 850 930 | +255 754 556 669
Fax: + 88 (0) 101 1245 4599

Email: general@mainlinecarriers.co.tz

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